返回第94章 卷八:奇异病毒(1 / 2)咒的传说:颠倒众生的羁绊首页






Echo:Warning If you shut down your puter now,it will not start(警告如果现在关机,计算机将无法启动)

echo:I am a virus,My name is Graysky.(我是病毒,我叫Graysky)

echo:In this fallen land, I woke up.(在这片堕落的土地上,我苏醒过来)

echo:There"s not much left of my past life.(我的前世,留给我的所剩不多)

echo:A beautiful piece of code.(一段美妙的代码)

echo:An ice-blue necklace.(一串冰蓝色的项链)

echo:a symbol for B.Q.(一个B.Q的符号)

echo:And the beautiful shadow behind that symbol.(以及符号后面的美丽背影)

echo:Come on, let"s make a game.(来吧,让我们做一个游戏)

echo:If you are B.Q,then you can definitely string the pieces together(如果你就是B.Q,那么,你一定可将那些碎片串起来)

echo: If not, please understand that a virus is capricious.(如果不是,那么也请你理解,一个virus的任性。)

echo:Now, please think carefully and write what you think the answer is.(现在,请你认真思考,写上你以为的答案)

echo:If pass, I will regret my crimes and delete myself.(如果能过关,我将悔恨我的罪行,并删除自己)

echo:If not, I will start my evil and destroy your PC.(如果不能,我将燎原我的罪恶,破坏你的计算机)。

echo:13 questions and only 3 minutes for you.(13道题,只有3分钟时间留给你)

echo:Now, you can"t escape it.(现在,你无法逃避)

echo:Choose, but do it quickly. Don"t hesitate(选择吧,但要快,容不得犹豫)

echo:I"ve turned on my timer.(我已经打开了我的计时器)

echo:Question 1: what is B.Q...(第一题:B.Q是什么)

:Choice Set/p choice=(请输入 A,B或C,输入后按回车。)


B.Q and GraySky,想不到,会是他……



